Thanksgiving Day is a day for family reunions and thanking God for his infinite blessings and bountiful harvest. Marked on the fourth Thursday in the month of November every year, Thanksgiving Day is a significant festival of the United States of America, considered to be amongst the top six annual holidays of the country. Luxurious traditional meals, colorful parades, holidaying, exciting sport games, and partying are the most common customs observed on this auspicious festival. The entire country can be witnessed as a grand carnival time as this three-day occasion draws closer. Families and friends do not miss a chance to greet their loved ones the very best wishes of this day. For those who aren't able to meet their close ones, sending greetings through emails, greetings cards, and text messages is the best alternative. Give here are some interesting Thanksgiving greetings and messages that you can exchange on this day.
We cn only b said 2 b alive in those moments
Wen our hearts r conscious of da treasures life hs given us!
Happy Thnksgiving
Heap high da board wid plenteous cheer
& gadar 2 da feast,
toast da sturdy Pilgrim band
Whose courage never ceased.
Happy Thnksgiving!
All dase & many more r my wishes 4 u. !
Happy Thnksgiving....
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
More than merely appreciating our blessings, it is important to use them in a correct way.
This only can truly determine as to how thankful we are!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We find it easy to ask for favors but difficult to thank.
May this Thanksgiving give you
more reasons to thank God each day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eat till your heart's content!
It's Thanksgiving feast!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
The year yields its harvest
sharing abundant blessings
May your thanksgiving be blessed
with fruitfulness and overflowing love
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!
Thanksgiving comes but once a year
But when it comes it brings good cheer
For in my storehouse on this day
are piles of good things hid away
Each day I've worked from early morn
To gather acorns, nuts, and corn
Thanksgiving is beyond the turkey and the feast,
It teaches us to find reasons
to smile and bond with our loved ones!
Happy Thanksgiving Day
to you and your loved ones!
Thank God because not everyone can afford
a big Thanksgiving feast and get-together.
May God perpetually shower
His blessings upon you!
Happy Thanksgiving Season!
I wish to thank God for blessing me with friends like you.
Lets Thank the Lord together, with a true heart.
Happy Thanksgiving to you...